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Total : USD$38.85 USD$33.02

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Sleek & Easy to Carry.

Slim business cards are made with 16pt paper stock which is slightly firmer than an average business card. Choose a glossy finish if you want to add a glossy shine to your thin business cards or choose a matte if you want a softer finish that does not shine. We also have suede stock which comes in a thicker 19pt velvet paper for a soft finish.

  • Sized at 1.5” x 3.5”
  • Multiple Coating Options
  • Slender Captivating Look



Ideal for making photos and colorful designs print brightly and pop. It also adds a protective layer to avoid scratch marks.


Designed to be a writable surface. Matte finishes will have a classic subdued look and feel.

Smooth-Touch Suede

Our Suede lamination gives a luxuriously smooth feel leaving a lasting impression on anyone that holds it. This coating makes it easier to write on, while providing bright prints and slight scuff resistance.


16pt Premium

An upgrade from the standard 10pt waterproof cards. This stock is light yet sturdy and perfect for carrying multiple cards in your wallet.

19pt Premium

The perfect thickness for a premium business card. Thicker than the average business card, yet not too thick so you can carry multiple cards in your wallet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:What is the printing time for this product?
A:Typical turnaround time for this product is about 2-4 business days. These times are always approximations and depending, can take an additional business day or two to complete. This does not account for shipping time and holidays that do not count towards the production days.
Q:Can you write on the slim business cards?
A:While you can not write on cards with a glossy finish, you can however, write on both matte and suede finishes.
Q:Is there an option for rounded corners?
A:Unfortunately, we do not offer rounded corners for our slim cards, but you can try any of a wide range of regular sized business cards which allow this..


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