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Total : USD$201.39 USD$171.18

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Must Have for Organized Events

These tickets are best for using with paid events or raffles, but can be customized to fit any need. This product lets you include variable numbering to keep track of every piece handed out to ensure authenticity. Additional options include a business card sized perforated bottom that will allow people to carry important information or paid tickets. Options for paper stock come in either 100lb for a thin postcard thickness or 16pt which is the sturdiest stock similar to thicker postcards.

  • Perforation Included
  • 100lb or 16pt Paper Stocks
  • Variable Numbering Options



Ideal for making photos and colorful designs print brightly and pop. It also adds a protective layer to avoid scratch marks.

Uncoated Matte

Provides a dull and subdued look similar to a cardboard finish. Can easily be written on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:What is the printing time for this product?
A:Typical turnaround time for this product is about 5-7 business days. These times are always approximations and depending, can take an additional business day or two to complete. This does not account for shipping time and holidays that do not count towards the production days.
Q:Where is the perforation made on the Event Tickets?
A:All perforations will be made approximately 2” from the bottom on vertical designs or 2” from the right with horizontal designs. Ensure all information and photos are not on this perforation line to avoid it being perforated. The size of the perforated space is roughly 2” x 3.5” which is the same size as a standard business card.
Q:Can you write on the Event Tickets?
A:With the 100lb paper option, they print as uncoated so they are all writable. For 16pt, we suggest selecting matte as the gloss coating does not provide a good surface to write on.


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